Download Microsoft Office Collection [2003,2007,2010,2013,2016] Pre Iso !!TOP!!
In June 2007, Microsoft announced a new version of the office suite, Office Mobile 2007. It became available as "Office Mobile 6.1" on September 26, 2007, as a free upgrade download to current Windows Mobile 5.0 and 6 users. However, "Office Mobile 6.1 Upgrade" is not compatible with Windows Mobile 5.0 powered devices running builds earlier than 14847. It is a pre-installed feature in subsequent releases of Windows Mobile 6 devices.[193] Office Mobile 6.1 is compatible with the Office Open XML specification like its desktop counterpart.[193]
Download Microsoft Office Collection [2003,2007,2010,2013,2016] Pre iso
Office Activation scripts have been included in conjunction with the Citrix optimizer for a long time. However they are often updated. When you upgrade App Layering versions it is recommended to also upgrade the scripts that come with our gold tools self extracting zip.To do this add a version to your OS layer. Download the tools from the Citrix downloads web site, from the Tools section, called "citrix_app_layering_os_machine_tools_version.exe". Or if you are automatically receiving App Layering software updates from Citrix through the ELM, the OS MAchine Tools package is in your configured Network File Share, in the Unidesk\Upgrade Disks\version folder, with the same name as above. Put that file in your packaging machine. Right-click on the .EXE, get Properties, and select to Unblock the file if offered.Then execute the installer. It will unpack the scripts into the C:\Windows\setup\scripts folder. These files include new versions of the optimizer, kmssetup.cmd and the three office specific scripts we care about: OfficeActivate.cmd, NoReReg.cmd and Office2013Windows81_PREP.cmd. Running the installer will overwite the scripts already present in the OS layer, but it will not remove or overwrite any configurations you have already specified. The settings you have specified are stored in files that are not part of the scripts package. So you don't have to worry about preserving anything. It can't hurt to make a copy of the Scripts folder before you start, but there should be no danger.Updating the scripts in the OS layer allows you to use them for all the Office layers you might want to use. For Office the utility provides the ability to activate office during or after the build using KMS by just selecting the appropriate checkbox when creating the layer. MAK is also supported but not recommended. Do any other OS layer updates desired and finalize the OS layer. If you choose to run the Optimizer in the OS Layer, please do not select any Office options yt. Office options should always be done only in the Office layer itself.
Office 365 can be installed with a standalone downloader or using the Office Deployment Toolkit. For Citrix App Layering Deployments, we require that the Office Deployment Toolkit is used. The toolkit is a small executable that downloads the latest version of Office 365 with updates to an Admin Installation Point. Then the toolkit is used again to install from the installation point into the layer.An example configuration.xml file might look like this:Note: MS Teams has specific recommendation for installation in VDI, Follow -us/citrix-virtual-apps-desktops/multimedia/opt-ms-teams.htmlYou need to exclude teams installation when deploying through office deployment toolkitSome important settings included within the xml file:
To update Office 365, you can create a whole new Office Layer based on the current distribution or add a version to your existing Office layer and update that. If you are creating a new Office layer you just follow the instructions defined earlier in the recipe after deleting the source files that were originally downloaded by the ODK setup. This will give you the smallest possible layer.To install updates in a new version of the layer, add a version to the office layer change the configuration.xml to allow updates then rerun the setup /download configuration.xml. This will add new updates to the source share similar to the following:Then change the xml back to disable updates and run setup /configure configuration.xml which will install the updates into the layer.Upgrading from one version to the nextWhen going from one version of Office to another (IE 2013 to 2016) it is highly recommended that a new Layer is created rather than upgrading an existing layer inside of a version. Not only does this allow for the cleanest install path, but it also keeps the layer footprint small. 041b061a72