Song Lang(2018) __EXCLUSIVE__
How to make sense of love turned to longing? The burden of loss, the piercing, lonely ache? At least I have my music, Linh Phụng sings. At least we have the beat of the song lang to distill the muddy waters into something clear, filled with light.
Song Lang(2018)
the sexual tension. their arguments at first. the chemistry between them. gaymers. when they rode the motorcycle together. when they talked while staring at the moon. when they played that song together. the moments they shared during that one night and how that one night changed his life... it was so special they tugged my heartstrings they made me feel things i cried and sobbed and screamed. it hurts and im mad. where do i sign up for a support group ???
Song Lang will also remind many viewers, especially Saigoneers of a certain age, of the unique beauty of Saigon in the 1980s. Many scenes feature icons from this era, including old dorms, pawnshops, noodle carts, Sinco tailor stores, and the Bat Dat Hotel. Other small touches as the video game Contra, Xom Vang (Quiet Neighbor) TV series, American songs which were famous at the time, and even time-specific slang contribute to the movie's ambiance and texture. 041b061a72